[Wikipedia-l] Quality vs Quantity

Mark Clements gmane at kennel17.co.uk
Mon Apr 30 13:45:42 UTC 2007

"Maury Markowitz" <maury_markowitz at hotmail.com>
wrote in message news:BAY141-F20F0CA5B8F7FE92233C356884C0 at phx.gbl...
> >The point being that I would expect stub article creation to be pretty
> >in new Wikipedias, and to tail off as the Wikipedia in question comes to
> >seen as more authoritative.
> Authoritative? Or just more bureaucratic? I personally believe the problem
> is the later.

Authoritative.  This has nothing to do with the internal systems, but with
external impressions.  If a user thinks of Wikipedia as an authoratitive
resource, they are unlikely to add stubs because they assume that the
content is already there (they just haven't managed to find it) or has been
deliberately omitted.

It's the same kind of argument by which scrabble players will say a word is
invalid because it is not in their dictionary.  It is a falacious argument,
but a common one.

- Mark Clements (HappyDog)

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