[Wikipedia-l] Deletions, speedy deletions... and retributions...

Till Westermayer till at tillwe.de
Wed Apr 25 21:56:15 UTC 2007


I have removed the proposed-for-deletion tag -- I guess it is a 
borderline case (and as an inclusionist, I think that shouldn't stop 
that page being in Wikipedia), but I also think this should be 
something that is discussed by the community and not decided via 



Frederick Noronha schrieb am 25.04.2007 21:44:
> Dear all,
> It appears that my persistent questioning of the decisions to delete
> pages related to some networks doing significant work, but which might
> not be sufficiently visible in cyberspace (or the English-dominated
> sections of it) seems to have led someone to decide to delete a page
> referring to me at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frederick_Noronha !
> The grounds given are "borderline notability".  Not that this matters....
> It's amusing to see oneself being shifted from being a "notable
> Wikipedian" to "borderline notability" over a short period of time.
> See http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Frederick_Noronha&diff=124590095&oldid=23812169
> I would still maintain that those deleting pages need to act with
> responsibility. Besides, the success of Wikipedia (as the 11th
> most-visited site in the world, according to alexa.com) should not
> lead to arrogance or unhelpfulness that discourages those attempting
> to get heard in cyberspace (mostly with legitimate entries in the
> Wikipedia, but maybe finding it difficult to cope with the
> one-size-fits-all criteria that is prescribed, of notability, proper
> referencing etc.... ).
> In one particular example, a page was sought to be deleted (and links
> removed) because of a strange mix of reasons. From arguments that it
> had "only" 200+ members in its network, to other points of view that
> it lacked sufficient references, or was more suited to an official
> website rather than for Wikipedia. If this was so, would it not help
> if the page could be improved, rather than deleted. (As one editor
> once told me, good naturedly, "If I want to give you a reason to block
> your article, I could give you any one of 31 good reasons for it."
> Yeah, reasons are easy to come by, once someone's mind is made up.)
> Needless to say, I would not bother to make a case for the retention
> of a page focussing on me. It would be a relief, in fact, if the page
> went off!
> Take a look at its history:
> The page was started on 19:07, 4 August 2005 by Nichalp. It was
> subsequently edited by others.
> When I came across it, I realised that my name had initially been
> spelt wrong. Besides, there were inaccuracies in my description (there
> is a difference, surely, in being " actively involved in the Indian
> Free Software Foundation" and writing about it... I am definitely not
> "a known (sic) for his articles on Christianity" (admittedly am fairly
> curious about happenings there, though I don't subscribe to the
> religion I was born in) ... by that time, I had virtually stopped
> writing (but subsequently resumed, on another theme) for the
> Indo-Asian News Service in New Delhi... In addition, I'm not "founder"
> of BytesForAll, as mentioned, but a co-founder.
> A number of the websites and blogs mentioned were either outdated or
> non-functional, and there were new ones not noticed.
> After waiting awhile, I realised nobody would probably make these
> corrections, and did so under my own name.... which is actually not
> supposed to be the Wikipedia is to work. That was in late Jan-early
> Feb 2006 (see http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Frederick_Noronha&action=history
> )
> So, what's the point I'm making?
> * Rather than handle the message, someone here seems to be intent on
> shooting the messenger! The speedy deletions of pages of organisations
> whose work is widely noticed and is certainly relevant to the Third
> World (or the so-called "developing world") is unfair.
> * There should be good reason for deletion of any page (this should
> not be taken to mean that I'm making even an indirect case for my
> page... I have no problem if it's deleted), and those exercising the
> decision should preferably be aware of the subject-matter, and its
> relevance, even if in niche areas.
> * Special care needs to be taken about groups working in non-English
> languages and those on the so-called "periphery" (i.e. not in the "big
> cities that matter" or the bigger nations that have so many of their
> denizens active in cyberspace). Many such groups might not be visible
> enough in cyberspace, but that hardly means their work is not
> relevant!
> * How will Wikipedia balance its speedy growth in popularity, against
> the tendency to flood it with irrelevant posts, and also be fair to
> those who deserve to be on it without unnecessary deletions?
> * At the end of the day, I believe an "alternate modelled"
> encyclopedia also needs to be alternate enough to take a wider view of
> our world. Wikipedia need not be -- indeed, should not be --
> constrained by the top-down hierarchical restricted vision of
> traditional encyclopedias. Or else, it will come to be dismissed as an
> initiative that is alternative in its organising structure, but not in
> its vision.
> Lastly, may I add that I will continue to be a supporter of the
> Wikipedia, and seek help for those with a record of adding to this
> experiment to continue doing so, rather than getting caught up in
> page-deletion battles.
> Regards,
> Frederick "FN" Noronha
> Goa, India.

till we *) ~ Till Westermayer ~ Hirschstrasse 5 ~ 79100 Freiburg
0761 55697152 ~ till at tillwe.de ~ http://www.westermayer.de/till/

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