[Wikipedia-l] From Romanian Wikipedia, the Nazi Encyclopedia

Francis Tyers spectre at ivixor.net
Sun Apr 15 18:25:47 UTC 2007

At least the other side of the issue isn't anti-Semitic. And another
thing about the rise of the Nazis was the acceptance of other "points of
view" that seemed reprehensible, because "everyone had a right to his or
her opinion".

Now, I don't particularly care if these people want to espouse Holocaust
denial, anti-Semitism, crackpot conspiracy theories... but should we
really be giving them server space for it? Would they not be better off
with a geocities page somewhere?


On Sun, 2007-04-15 at 11:15 -0700, Ray Saintonge wrote:
> Francis Tyers wrote:
> >Here is an interesting AfD:
> >
> >http://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Pagini_de_%C5%9Fters/Crimele_%C5%
> >9Fi_ororile_comise_de_comuni%C5%9Ftii_evrei_%C3%AEmpotriva_rom%C3%
> >A2nilor_%C3%AEn_timpul_evacu%C4%83rii_din_Basarabia_%C5%9Fi_Bucovina_%
> >C3%AEn_1940
> >
> >"Crimele şi ororile comise de comuniştii evrei împotriva românilor în
> >timpul evacuării din Basarabia şi Bucovina în 1940"
> >
> >Crimes and horrors commited by communist Jews against Romanians in the
> >time of the evacuation of Bessarabia and Bukovina in 1940".
> >
> >Pretty much everyone who voted against the deletion of this article is a
> >lost cause and should probably be banned:
> >
> This is a frightful attitude!  It's the kind of attitude that leads to 
> the same kind of problem from the opposite side of the issue.  
> Democratic systems do not support punishing people for voting the "wrong 
> way" no matter how reprehensible the position they seem to support.
> Ec
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