[Wikipedia-l] From Romanian Wikipedia, the Nazi Encyclopedia

Ray Saintonge saintonge at telus.net
Sun Apr 15 17:52:00 UTC 2007

Berto 'd Sera wrote:

>This is not about theoretical shades; it's about a definite damage to the
>wmf trademark. Such damage can be estimated in hundreds of thousands of
>dollars by any Court (lost grants on the American/European market etc,
>credibility damage, etc). IMHO we must have this money refunded by those
>individuals who made the damage, at least in Kyiv and Moscow putting up a
>lawyer's pool for this purpose is absolutely possible. And we must make it
>LOUD, so that people understand what's the music.
I'm sure the problem can be better dealt with than by engaging in this 
kind of exaggerated drama.  I suppose if you think that this is best 
dealt with through the courts you are free to initiate such actions with 
your money and your time. 


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