[Wikipedia-l] From Romanian Wikipedia, the Nazi Encyclopedia

Francis Tyers spectre at ivixor.net
Sun Apr 15 15:42:24 UTC 2007

How about [[:ro:User:Dacodava]], who was banned on the English Wikipedia
for death threats (Among other things).


He seems to be spreading this crap.

"Inventatorii comunismului au fost doi evrei din Germania: [[Karl Marx]]
şi [[Friedrich Engels]]. Iti recomand si art [[Comunismul în lume şi
evreii]], care o sa-ti raspunda la mult nelamuriri.
[[Utilizator:Dacodava|Dacodava]] 11 aprilie 2007 17:49 (EEST)"

__the inventors of communism were two Jews from Germany: Karl Marx and
Freidrich Engels. I recommend also the article [[World Communism and the
Jews]], which will answer more the things which are not clear to you.__

Aside from the fact that Engels wasn't a Jew (actually one of the other
articles on ro.wikipedia suggested that Stalin was a Jew!), this


On Sun, 2007-04-15 at 18:33 +0300, Iulian Dogariu wrote:
> John Kavalos wrote:
> > There are some serious issues on Romanian Wikipedia, where a few Nazis
> > have been taking over lots of articles, while the admins are
> > supporting and defending them.
> >
> >   
> Hi, I'm a native Romanian speaker and a sysop at ro.wiki. Please help us
> clear the mess by:
> * providing links to relevant users and edits. One of the noisiest Nazi
> trolls, Irismeister, has been indefinitely banned two weeks ago. See
> http://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utilizator:Irismeister .
> * providing links backing your allegation that "the admins are
> supporting and defending" the Nazi editors.  I will do my best to bring
> this to the attention of the ro.wiki community.
> Yours,
> Iulian
> [[:ro:Utilizator:Iulianu]]
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