[Wikipedia-l] From Romanian Wikipedia, the Nazi Encyclopedia

Krohon krohon at gmail.com
Sun Apr 15 15:09:25 UTC 2007

On 4/15/07, Berto 'd Sera <albertoserra at ukr.net> wrote:
> Communities are free to publish what they wish in principle, and wmf is
> free
> to decide whether this is wiki or not. If not then the project cannot use
> a
> wikipedia trademark. Apart from that any community is obviously free to
> publish a fully creationist wiki, a pro-terrorism wiki, a
> "kill-them-niggers" wiki or whatever else.
> Only if they wish to go that way they must do it under their own logo and
> they must pay for servers, development and bandwidth from their own
> wallets.
> They also have to deal with the cops themselves, since some of these POVs
> are treated as crimes in some nations.
> Berto 'd Sera
> Personagi dl'ann 2006 per l'arvista american-a Time (tanme tuti vojaotri)
> http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1569514,00.html
The best part of this discussion up to now. While fully agree with it we may
evaluate if the local wikipedia is being well maintained on other subjects.
Having a handful of bad articles around may be a bearable price for an
otherwise fair and growing local wikipedia. On the other hand, if the
administrators just took the Romanian wikipedia as a free add service, expel
them all.


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