[Wikipedia-l] Fwd: whom I have to ask for approval of Gileki wikipedia?how find a developer?

GerardM gerard.meijssen at gmail.com
Fri Sep 29 19:54:54 UTC 2006

I have fixed the entry in WiktionaryZ for Gilaki; The enty in Gilaki is now
using the Arab script. The name of a language has nothing to do with how the
language is pronounced in the original language or transliterated from the
original language. If it were, my language would not be called Dutch and
Finnish would be Suomi.

The English Wikipedia article was renamed from Gilaki to Gileki and the
content of the article is still about Gilaki. Given that Wikipedia is not
about "original research", it should be named as is usual ie Gilaki.


On 9/29/06, M Rastgaar <rastgaar at yahoo.com> wrote:
> Thank you all for your emails,
>   1- I have proposed Gileki . Me and other 4 editors are Native Giek. I
> just added (N) to their IDs
>   2- The phonetic of this language is GilƏki. In English, it is called
> Gileki and in French Gilaki. Ethnologe calls it Gilaki. This means that
> Ethnologe is not showing the correct pronanciation of Gileki.
>   3- Eventhough I had been asked to help to untangle the discrepancy
> ralted to the name of this language in WiktionaryZ, eventually I had to
> change every "Gileki" to "Gilaki", otherwise I have not been able to edit
> it. I think it is a quick wrap up but not necessarily the best and
> considering solution.
>   4- I am sure that this language is not the only one tha has the problem
> of difference between Ethnologe scripts and its phonetic. I will comply with
> whatever is your policy.
>   5- The first word in Gileki wiktionaryZ is in Roman scripts, because It
> was there when I first saw this page. So I assumed it is the WiktionaryZ
> format.
>   Thanks
>   Have agreat time
>   Rastgaar
> GerardM <gerard.meijssen at gmail.com> wrote:
>   Hoi,
> There are several projects where there are groups fighting each other
> because their project was envisioned to be only about one specific
> orthography or script. It is in my opinion much better to solve these
> issues
> first and be sure that there will be no such fight in the future.
> Thanks,
> GerardM
> On 9/29/06, Tim Starling wrote:
> >
> > GerardM wrote:
> > > Hoi,
> > > Many people are in favour of adding Gilaki to the list of languages..
> > There
> > > is one issue outstanding as far as I am concerned. At WiktionaryZ the
> > Babel
> > > templates are in an Arabic script.. The first Gilaki word however is
> in
> > both
> > > the Latin and this Arabic script.
> > >
> > > Another issue is that the language is called Gilaki and only Wikipedia
> > calls
> > > it Gileki ..
> > >
> > > It would be nice to have these issues resolved first..
> >
> > Couldn't we create it first and resolve the issues later? Unless you are
> > suggesting that the existence of these issues implies that the proposers
> > don't know anything about the language, I don't see any problem with
> > changing either the default text direction or the language name after
> the
> > wiki is created.
> >
> > -- Tim Starling
> >
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