[Wikipedia-l] Dream a little...

Denis Barthel denis at denis.net
Thu Oct 19 09:20:12 UTC 2006

Compared to the most dreams before, I guess I am quite modest:

I would love to buy the rights of pictures (and maybe add a few 
signature-tunes  ;) ) of all the important pre-war blues-musicians. Of 
many of these artists only a single or two photographs are known and 
they are mostly in the hand of collectors, who hold the copyright too. 
As the pictures are almost always anonymously made in the 1920's and 
1930's, we are not able to illustrate the concerning articles before 
2020-2040. This does not only affect the artist-articles, but those on 
the genre too. Just have a look o the commons-gallery. It is so sad, 
that the origin of most western popular musical genres needs to be 
almost text-only still for decades ....

Denis Barthel (de)

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