[Wikipedia-l] Dream a little...

Andrew Gray shimgray at gmail.com
Tue Oct 17 18:43:19 UTC 2006

On 17/10/06, Roger Luethi <collector at hellgate.ch> wrote:

> In a nutshell, dual-licensing is about offering products gratis to those
> agreeing to share alike and having those in the proprietary business pay
> for their use.
> The only area with fairly solid evidence on this form of dual-licensing is
> software, and that's a different industry with a distinct set of
> attributes. The key for us would be a good idea of derivative works and
> copyleft licenses as they apply to text, images, or any other content we
> might own.

There's anecdotal evidence for this happening for images. The
Wikimedia enquiry address gets a lot of requests to discuss licensing
for an image, generally assuming we're the copyright holder (but
sometimes asking directly for the author); money is certainly in the
air on some occasions, though I suspect most end up as "Sure, use it,
can you put my name on the flyleaf?"

- Andrew Gray
  andrew.gray at dunelm.org.uk

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