[Wikipedia-l] FYI: Missing images tool, V2.0

Magnus Manske magnusmanske at googlemail.com
Fri Oct 6 21:43:56 UTC 2006

Some time ago I wrote a tool to facilitate the spread of images on
wikipedia (which is mostly a good thing). However, it was very slow
and not very user-friendly.

Finally, I got around to rewrite it from scratch (something we're all
good at;-) and now call it V2.0:


Basically, it scans through a set of random articles, or articles from
a category, and checks if they have images. If they don't, it tries to
locate images in the matching wikipedia articles in other languages.
It also checks on their license status, and wether they're already on
commons. If not, copying them to commons is assisted by my
commonshelper tool.

If you find the tool mistakes some icon from a navigational element
for an image, please add the icon name to

Also, feature suggestions and bug reports are always welcome.


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