[Wikipedia-l] Weekly digest from Wikimedia SCG

Jovana Milicevic freakapotamus at gmail.com
Sun Jan 22 23:23:17 UTC 2006

First months of year 2006. were very succesful for Wikimedia SCG, especially
in media promotions.
First, at the last day of past year, in GNUzilla (electronic magazine
dedicated to free software) is published an article about Wikimedia SCG and
Wikipedia in serbian language.
Then at January 8, daily newspaper "Glas javnosti" published article "Free
competition-Wikipedia", comparing Wikipedia and Britanica, and Serbian
Wikipedia was mentioned.
January the 11th:
-Milos Rancic talked about the Wikipedia and Wikimedia at the channel two of
the Radio of Belgrade
January the 17th:
- Article about Wikipedia in daily newspaper Politika
- Jovana Milicevic talked about at the Art television
- On the Serbian television B92 site, in culture chapter, was placed the
news about Wikipedia promotion with comments
- The same promotion was announced on the site of the Belgrade
January the 18th:
- Milos Rancic talked on the radio B92
January the 19th:
- Platform about Wikipedia took place in Youth center Dom omladine
- Jovana's interviews were broadcasted on the radio Sajam and Radio of
- News about the platform published at the national television web site
January the 20th:
- Goran Obradovic speaked in the morning programe on the National television
- Jovana Milicevic speaked in the morining programe on the television
- Goran Obradovic and Nikola Smolenski talked for weekly newspapers Vreme,
and that interview will be published at Thursday 26th January
Wikimedia SCG meetings are taking place every Sunday in Youth center Dom
omladine Belgrade.
Jovana Milicevic

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