[Wikipedia-l] Serbo-Croatian wikipedia

Milos Rancic millosh at mutualaid.org
Thu Jan 12 03:20:29 UTC 2006

On 1/11/06, Dejan Cabrilo <dcabrilo at gmail.com> wrote:
> Milos, you first said that nobody tagged POV articles as such, and
> that I should've. We concluded that I did. Now you are saying that I
> didn't attempt to improve them, but did tag them. I did try to improve
> some, but I was constantly reverted and even rolled back by some
> admins (I can look into those). So, don't tell me I am not saying
> truth again, please.

Try it again with ONE article, first (please, use some which where you
are more familiar) and if you would have some problems, they will be
solved. But, please, don't behave aggressive.

> It doesn't matter if our edition is called Serbo-Croatian, or
> Neo-Shtokavian, or "our language". It's about not being country, or
> ethno-centric, but information centric.

Do you think that building one more community is a right way to make
differences smaller? I don't think so. In this moment the right way
is, as I see, to work inside of present communities. When sh: grows up
to 10 people, we would have a lot more difficult situation because the
space for possible merging would be filled with one more community.

However, as I said, one of the important reasons why I am not for
closing sh: in this way is a possibility of deactivating couple of
active sh: Wikipedians.

In other words, the only possible way for relocking of sh: is your
(i.e. sh: Wikipedians) intention to do so; as well as your start to
work in all of other three encyclopedias/communities on the long
process of merging content. Is it possible?

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