[Wikipedia-l] Serbo-Croatian wikipedia

Dejan Cabrilo dcabrilo at gmail.com
Sun Jan 8 03:19:58 UTC 2006

> Serbian Wikipedia doesn't have POV articles more then English
> Wikipedia (of course, proportional). It is possible that some ov POV
> pages are not marked, but this is only because NO ONE marked them
> (Dejan could do it, but he didn't).

I did do it. And the storm rolled upon me. I was mostly quickly
reverted, or even rolled back. In fact, if I remember correctly, I was
the one to introduce POV and copyvio templates, no? Check out my
contributions on sr.wiki (User:Dcabrilo). When I started doing it, you
proposed that we allow POV articles to stay on the wiki, with a
permanent template of: "This article was written from such and such
POV". I said we should either get rid of them, or rewrite them. You
said you thought they were just too good of essays to delete, and that
you talked to Jimbo Wales while he was in Belgrade about that issue.

And Serbian Wikipedia has more POV than English one, for sure. For
example, just until few hours ago, this thing was stuck on the top of
the Home Page:



Also, just for example, I noticed that article I labeled as POV (my
mistake, it was not only POV, it was also a copyvio from
http://www.svetosavlje.org/biblioteka/Recnik/A.htm), has been locked
since I put a POV tag on it... May 2004.

So, yes, I did try to work on POV, but you and many others had no
problems with POV (recognized as such) being included in the name
space. As long as it had a tag...

Only on May 13th did I label about a dozen articles as POV (mostly
Orthodox Christianity related). [[Википедија:Провера неутралности]].
Many of those were beyond repair (they were simply religious essays).

However, community than agreed that "We are a Serbian Wikipedia, so
it's only normal to have that kind of bias".

> Latin alphabet is needed only because of Croats. Bosnians know
> Cyrillics; if Slovenians know Serbian/Croatian, they know Cyrillics,
> too. As well as Macedonians use only Cyrillics.

Most Slovenes and Croats are not good with Cyrillic, and not
comfortable enough with it to make edits. Many Bosnians as well. This
is especially true for younger people. Most Macedonians, unlike most
Slovenes, can read and write in both Cyrillic and Latin for that

> A lot of sites are in Latin only because of a lot of xenophobia toward
> Cyrillics.

Also because that way it's accessible to anyone.

> > Wikipedia is not a cultural project, it's an encyclopedia, aimed at
> > bringing information to people.
> You can use a blog for spreading informations, too.

And what do you think Wikipedia is for? Spreading what? Wikipedia is
an attempt at encyclopedia, which is as simple as disseminating NPOV
ecyclopedic information.


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