[Wikipedia-l] Re: Wikipedia English English

Stephen Forrest stephen.forrest at gmail.com
Fri Sep 23 21:12:48 UTC 2005

On 9/23/05, Rowan Collins <rowan.collins at gmail.com> wrote:

> Actually, Andrew was closer: it's en-gb, because RFC 3066 defines it
> as an ISO 639 language code (en for English) plus an ISO 3166 country
> code (GB meaning, confusingly, the UK; I'm glad the IANA ignored this
> and gave us .uk for our domains)

To be somewhat more pedantic, it should be "en-GB", since IIRC the
second ISO code is supposed to be written in uppercase.  This is
actually the system used for localization of Firefox in foreign
languages (e.g. fr-CA and fr-FR for the French of Canada and France,


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