[Wikipedia-l] Wikipedia 'Straiyan English

David Gerard dgerard at gmail.com
Thu Sep 22 09:58:09 UTC 2005

Alphax wrote:

>I agree completely. Furthurmore, I feel that we shall need an Australian
>English Wikipedia to handle the many words in Australian English which
>differ from English English (and possibly Queensland English, New South
>Wales English, et. al), a South African English Wikipedia to accomodate
>the heavy use of Afrikaans, a New Zealand English Wikipedia to account
>for the lack of vowels, a Canadian English Wikipedia to account for the
>number of French words, a Canadian French Wikipedia to complement it,
>and a Singlish Wikipedia because it has a funny name.


(I am looking to expand the latter a bit then get it onto the front page.)

- d.

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