[Wikipedia-l] Re: Re: Wikipedia English English

Mark Williamson node.ue at gmail.com
Wed Sep 21 17:16:20 UTC 2005

>  And so why don't Bokmal speakers have to put up with Nynorsk? The ratio of
> Bokmal speakers to Nynorsk seems to reflect the difference between the size
> of the USA and UK.

The difference is that Bokmål and Nynorsk are both spoken in the same
country. Not only are they vastly more different than British and
American English, the politics surrounding them are much more

>  No, because it's a different issue to orthography. The fact that you
> recognise the differences implies that you recognise that these are two
> different orthographies - just like the two forms of Norweigan.
> The question remains why does a country of less than 4m deserve more than a
> country of 60m?

The "two forms of Norwegian" aren't just different orthographies.


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