[Wikipedia-l] Wikipedia English English

Lars Aronsson lars at aronsson.se
Mon Sep 19 19:36:29 UTC 2005

Jack & Naree wrote:

>  I mean there are several issues here: cultural imperialism,

Cultural imperialism is of course the very reason that Americans 
(and people in the rest of the world) speak English at all.  All 
of the Louisiana Purchase area could speak French.  The East Coast 
could speak Pennsylvania Dutch.  Minnesota could speak Norwegian, 
and California Spanish.  But no, they all speak some kind of 
English.  And this is not good enough for you?  I've even heard 
that some of the Americans aren't of the "proper" white skin 
color.  Horrible!  What's next?  Perhaps the world will start to 
drive on the wrong side of the road?  Oh, they do already?

I suggest you give up on en.w and start to contribute to the 
German Wikipedia instead.  Even if they tried once or twice, the 
Germans have really failed to make theirs a world language.

  Lars Aronsson (lars at aronsson.se)
  Aronsson Datateknik - http://aronsson.se

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