[Wikipedia-l] Wikipedia English English

Gerrit Holl gerrit at nl.linux.org
Mon Sep 19 18:23:57 UTC 2005

Delirium wrote:
> Alphax wrote:
> >What about the French Wikipedia? How do they feel?
> If I'm not mistaken, the Quebec dialect of French and the Brazilian 
> dialect of Portuguese are considered acceptable in the French and 
> Portuguese Wikipedias, respectively.

Quatre-vingt-dix ou Nonante redirige ici. 

I think that if the original posters' thought would be followed,
'nonante' would not be acceptable on French Wikipedia. Note that
'quatre-vingt-dix ' has 97 Google hits on fr.wikipedia.org, whereare
'nonante' has 43.

But then, those are French, with a *cugh cugh* unusual *cugh cugh* way
to count to 100. But then, we, the Dutch, are also quite unusual (well,
like German), so it's not up to me to make a mockery (-:


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