[Wikipedia-l] Wikipedia English English

Mike Kuklinski admin at kuattech.com
Mon Sep 19 13:09:06 UTC 2005

On 18/09/05, Jack & Naree <jack.macdaddy at gmail.com> wrote:

>Wikipedia Anglo-Saxon?! Wikipedia Middle English?!! Wikipedia Scot's 
> I want Wikipedia English English!!!
I am going to to reply to the original post, since the follow-ups are 

American-dialect English (also known as American-English) is more 
related to English of the 17th-18th century than 'Commonwealth-English' 
is. Neither Commonwealth-English nor American-English are 
'English-English' or proper English more than the other; if you want 
proper English, look to Shakespearean early Modern English.

By the way, I am an American.


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