[Wikipedia-l] Query on ASL

Ros’ Haruo rosharuo at gmail.com
Fri Sep 16 18:26:58 UTC 2005

About the existing ASL orthographies such as Stokoe and SignWriting,
aside from the issue of copyrighted or patented or whatever systems,
and aside from the issue of their not being (currently) known by a
majority of ASL signers, I haven't seen the questions addressed (or
even asked) (1) are the systems relatively easy to learn if you
already know ASL — rather like a phonetic alphabet or syllabary — say
with a discrete symbol for each chereme and an intuitive way of
handling stress exaggeration or whatever you call the way a sign can
be exaggerated in whole or in part (sort of like lengthening a
syllable's duration in spoken Chinook Jargon, e.g. anqəti "-ed",
aaanqəti "-ed quite a while ago", aaaaaaaaaaaanqəti "-ed when
dinosaurs ruled the earth" - the ə is a schwa in case it doesn't come
through the email mill) — or is it relatively difficult to learn if
you already know ASL, say like Japanese kana majiri?

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