[Wikipedia-l] Project: This wikipedia-related article is a stub...

Boris Lohnzweiger BorisLohnzweiger at web.de
Wed Sep 7 15:02:27 UTC 2005

Roger Luethi wrote:

> However, short articles do get put up for deletion regularly based on that
> criterion.

> The respective German guidelines are indeed written in a fairly similar
> spirit to the English ones. They don't seem to advocate the deletion of
> small stubs. But the folks who frequent [[de:Wikipedia:Löschkandidaten]]
> tend to have a different view.

Annoyingly, it's true that a few users at de: seem to do nothing else then filing requests for deletion. I don't ignore that fact. One even picked the user name "Löschantrag" (='request for deletion') but is on the verge of being blocked AFAIK. What I wanted to point out is that these outrages by no means reflect the spirit of the German WP. The community is aware of the "Löschwahn" a few people have fallen prey to and the way they can harm the project e. g. by daunting off newcomers writing their first article.

Btw, I have written about 80 stubs for de: (and expanded most of them to full-size articles by now!) and only got one rfd ever and that one was pretty well justified. My experience: as long as your stubs contain the very basic facts about the subject ("where?", "who?", "when?", "why?") 
they are 100% delete-o-maniac-proof.


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