[Wikipedia-l] Project: This wikipedia-related article is a stub...

Paweł Dembowski fallout at lexx.eu.org
Tue Sep 6 22:03:10 UTC 2005

> The Swedish Wikipedia has 421 articles (0.4% of 102K) shorter than
> 70 bytes and the Danish has 351 (1.1% of 31K).  As a comparison, 
> the Dutch Wikipedia has 79 (0.08% of 89K) and the Polish has 387 
> (0.4% of 93K).  This makes the Polish look just as bad as the 
> Swedish, since both have 0.4% of articles shorter than 70 bytes.
> But perhaps a substub should be defined at 50 bytes instead?
> Or 100 bytes or 150?

Does this include disambiguation pages? If so, it's not a very good
estimate, since they *should* be short...

Wikipedia, wolna encyklopedia

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