[Wikipedia-l] Project: This wikipedia-related article is a stub...

Alfio Puglisi puglisi at arcetri.astro.it
Tue Sep 6 15:48:42 UTC 2005

On Tue, 6 Sep 2005, Walter van Kalken wrote:

> The Poles are on their way to 100.000 as well by botway that create a lot of 
> stubs. So are the Italian and Portugese which to my surprise are gaining on 
> nl: very rapidly ... probably also by bot-stub-adding ... I wish them good 
> luck and I hope that having more info in their own languages available will 
> attract more contributors :)

Italian will go in about a month from 60,000 to 100,000 mostly by bots 
adding stubs about geographical places. There is already a project to 
expands those stubs to reasonable quality, translating whatever info is 
available in the town's native language wikipedia - and from other 
languages, of course. In the meantime, the usual 4,000 new articles/month 
rate has not changed much.

The popularity of bots, due to the rapid increase, has also promoted the 
development of many bots dedicated to fix ortography and layout issues, 
so existing pages are rapidly improving.


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