[Wikipedia-l] Project: This wikipedia-related article is a stub...
Sabine Cretella
sabine_cretella at yahoo.it
Tue Sep 6 05:25:44 UTC 2005
Ahhhh Elian, I see: we need your article on the stub-gnomes even in
English ... well I am trying to translate it into Italian, it is fun,
but really quite a difficult task as it has many of those "fine
meanings" that don't need translation, but you need to re-write the
whole text giving the same meanings in the other language to it (I
already wrote it once and then re-wrote .... but it still lacks
something) .... so I suppose the litteral translation "stub gnome" in
English does not work well ... maybe we should think about Snowwhite and
her "dwarfs" - so these could be come the "stub-dwarfs" ;-)
So who are going to be the English writing stub-dwarfs that make some
nice present to these articles "giving" a bit more information :-)
Well: I am not contributing much to wikipedias (I am more concentrated
on wiktionary) ... simply because my home are "languages" ;-) and this
mail is about them :-)
Elisabeth Bauer wrote:
> From wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
> "The Persian Wikipedia is the Persian language version of Wikipedia.
> As the Persian language is written right to left, so is the website."
> I just realized that the English Wikipedia has articles on quite a
> number of wikipedia language editions:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Wikipedias_by_language
> But hey, isn't there more to say about it than just outdated numbers
> of articles or the writing direction? Doesn't each wikipedia have
> something unique, a special culture, notable events which are not
> milestones?
> Spend a while to polish the article about your wikipedia to spare it
> the fate of rotting as a "wikipedia-related stub" in the cleanup
> department ;-)
> greetings,
> elian
> PS: In the german wikipedia these articles would probably have been
> deleted as irrelevant...ehemm...that's our specific culture
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