[Wikipedia-l] Project: This wikipedia-related article is a stub...

Elisabeth Bauer elian at djini.de
Tue Sep 6 03:49:47 UTC 2005

 From wikipedia, the free encyclopedia:
"The Persian Wikipedia is the Persian language version of Wikipedia. As 
the Persian language is written right to left, so is the website."

I just realized that the English Wikipedia has articles on quite a 
number of wikipedia language editions:

But hey, isn't there more to say about it than just outdated numbers of 
articles or the writing direction? Doesn't each wikipedia have something 
unique, a special culture, notable events which are not milestones?

Spend a while to polish the article about your wikipedia to spare it the 
fate of rotting as a "wikipedia-related stub" in the cleanup department ;-)


PS: In the german wikipedia these articles would probably have been 
deleted as irrelevant...ehemm...that's our specific culture

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