[Wikipedia-l] An idea

Jimmy Wales jwales at wikia.com
Tue May 31 07:52:42 UTC 2005

Ray Saintonge wrote:
> It's obvious that Jimbo has thrown out this idea for discussion, and not
> as some kind of policy statemt.  Yet it would not surprise me if six
> months hence one of our random morons cited his comments as evidence
> that Jimbo was advocating rigid proof of credentials for any contributor.

Yes.  It's just an idea which I hoped would lead to interesting
discussion, which it has. :-)

So far (and I'm still not finished reading the thread), I am finding
Angela's objection compelling, i.e. that this would make us look a lot
less credentialed than we actually are, because most people won't bother
with the dreary process of proving credentials.

I still think there's something we can do in this area.  But we'll have
to mull it over some more.


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