[Wikipedia-l] Izynews

Anthere anthere9 at yahoo.com
Wed May 25 22:09:25 UTC 2005


Just checking

Nl contributors are reporting a problem in the Izynews website (which is 
a mirror of Wikipedia in nl, de and fr).

In short, Izynews has strangely replaced nearly everywhere "wikipedia" 
by "encyclopedia", which result in rather strange articles such as "

Encyclopédie  est une encyclopédie libre , gratuite, universelle et 
multilingue, écrite par des volontaires et basée sur un site Web 
(http://fr.wikipedia.org  en français ) utilisant la technologie wiki . 
Encyclopédie est financée et gérée par la Fondation Wikimedia . Ce nom 
se rapporte aussi au projet visant à construire l'encyclopédie.

Unfortunately, that also means that at least for images, the credit is 
given to "encyclopedia" rather than "wikipedia".

Besides, in nl, images display by default a gfdl licence, even when they 
are not.

In de, license seem to be fine.
In fr, images seem to be missing.

I feel that a mail could be enough to fix this, but I can't help 
thinking I already know that name, and suspect we already had issues 
with them. However, I could not find someone who would remember. Have we 
already warned them about lack of compliance or not ?


I already heard

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