[Wikipedia-l] Re: Article validation: allow IP ratings for the raw data phase

Yann Forget yann at forget-me.net
Mon May 23 13:26:03 UTC 2005

Le Monday 23 May 2005 13:24, Anthere a écrit :
> Yann Forget a écrit:
>  > Hi,
>  >
>  > Le Sunday 22 May 2005 17:05, Magnus Manske a écrit :
>  >>David Gerard schrieb:
>  >>>I suggest that we allow ratings by anonymous users (IP numbers), at
> > least in 1.5.
>  >>>
>  >>>Reasons for this:
>  >>>
>  >>>* we've always worked by leaving things as open as possible and only
>  >>>  restricting as needed;
>  >>>
>  >>>* we're explicitly not using the data for anything important yet, so if
>  >>>ten thousand rating spammers put [[Image:Autofellatio.jpg]] top
> marks for
>  >>>everything, it won't actually affect anything;
>  >>>
>  >>>* the raw data will be of great interest to people, and as wide as
>  >>>possible is good. (I can see the academics studying Wikipedia slavering
>  >>>for the ratings data tarball ;-)
>  >>
>  >>Two reasons against this:
>  >>
>  >>* Later, we will allow only logged-in users to rate articles, right?
>  >>Otherwise, we'll lose a great part of the perceived reliability
>  >>improvement, IMHO. But how can we really set up this system if the data
>  >>we use as a foundation for the decision is based on anon entries as
>  >> well?
>  >
>  > I think it better if only logged in users can validate articles.
>  > But well it depend what we want to do with this feature: selecting
>  > articles
>  > for an offline publication or studying psychology and sociology of
>  > Wikipedia readers ?
>  > We have a precedent: only logged in users can upload images.
> This is not the same.
> Uploading images is a way to improve the quality of the project. We had
> to put restrictions to limit vandalism.

For me this is the same. Validating articles is a way to improve the quality 
of the project.

> However, I think we need feedback from readers as well. Possibly a way
> to go around of vandalism would be to allow voting with a valid email
> address on top ?

Which is stricter than creating an account and logging in, as we don't require 
a valid email for that.

> Ant

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