[Wikipedia-l] Re: sco/fiu-vro in danger..

Anthere anthere9 at yahoo.com
Mon May 23 11:35:23 UTC 2005

Wouter Steenbeek a écrit:

>> Just thoughts. I regret we do not hear much more of Sunir any more :-)
>> anth
> Now that we've seen all this, can someone tell Aphaia he has to keep his 
> hands off from the test wikis? I'm sure he will go on erasing the work 
> of others when he isn't told that by someone like Jimbo, Angela, Tony or 
> Anthere.
> Regards,
> W


Please consider to say "she" for Aphaia instead of "he"

Also, we are talking of meta, not of test. Aphaia is not admin on test 
and cannot delete anything there;

Third, if Aphaia deletes things and we do not agree, we can simply 
restore. No big deal.

And please consider than even if I really do not agree with her opinion 
on such deletion matters (I am a very very inclusionnist one, while she 
appears to be very much of a cleaner), nor on what meta should be used 
about... I also like Aphaia very much... and value very much her 
contributions to our projects. She is in particular extremely helpful in 
all translating matters. She is also a sensible person, and I would not 
want to be harsh to her. I wish she takes into account in the future 
comments made on meta on the votes for deletion page... however, I would 
*never* consider *telling* her what to erase and what to not erase. I 
may not agree with her on this, but she is allowed free will as long as 
the community agrees. Same for me.


PS : who is Tony ?

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