[Wikipedia-l] Wikipedia, Emergence, and The Wisdom of Crowds

Ray Saintonge saintonge at telus.net
Mon May 9 04:42:51 UTC 2005

Delirium wrote:

> Stirling Newberry wrote:
>> My point was that Mark does not understand the language of debate, 
>> his clear poisoning the well attack here is an excellent example of it.
> Since I have not been participating in this thread, I'm not sure to 
> what you mean to refer.  Your previous argument in this thread was 
> with Ray Saintonge, not with me.

Fantastic!  ... and I thought I was arguing with Jean-Baptiste Soufron.  
I suppose if I worked hard at it I could make a distinction between 
"explicitly" and "specifically", but the former may indeed be a superior 

The question that set us off in this direction was whether someone had 
the right to put his work into the public domain.  I maintain that he 
does.  To put this in terms of the distinction between "malum 
prohibitum" and "malum in se" is absurd in the absence of a "malum" of 
any kind in such an act.  Is Stirling proposing that someone should be 
fined for putting his writings in the public domain?


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