[Wikipedia-l] Wikipedia, Emergence, and The Wisdom of Crowds

Delirium delirium at hackish.org
Sun May 8 19:07:41 UTC 2005

Stirling Newberry wrote:

[snip quoted argument]

> Which is a distinction without a difference.
> Perhaps you need to go back over the difference between malum 
> prohibitum and malum in se, and why your formulation doesn't work very 
> well in light of that difference.

Having encountered Mr. Newberry on several other forums, I would urge 
that people not waste their time arguing with him.  He generally resorts 
to attacks on his opponents rather than attempts to make coherent points 
[1].  The unexplained use here of several legal Latin phrases in passing 
is characteristic of his typical "vocabulary-dropping, but doesn't know 
what he's talking about" style.

(And yes, this counts as an ad hominem attack as well, but sometimes one 
must point out the obvious.)


[1] See, for example, this representative exchange with kuro5hin.org 
founder Rusty Foster: 

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