[Wikipedia-l] Wikipedia, Emergence, and The Wisdom of Crowds

Ray Saintonge saintonge at telus.net
Sun May 8 13:56:42 UTC 2005

Stirling Newberry wrote:

> Ray Saintonge wrote:
>>> Jean-Baptiste Soufron wrote:
>>>>> That's an awful lot to proclaim without a supporting argument.  I'm
>>>>> interested in details of why you think so.
>>>> Well, my PhD is on the emergence of Law and I am using wikimedia 
>>>> and wikipedia as demonstrations for my arguments :)
>>>> But you're right, I should write something on it !
>>> A simpler response would be to cite the clause in the statute that 
>>> says this.  To me a fundamental principal of law is that anything 
>>> which is not specifically forbidden is allowed.
>>> Ec
> It isn't a principle of law, the correct principle is "that which is 
> not forbidden is allowed". The specifically changes the meaning entirely.

I can live without the word "specifically".  To me it tended to sharpen 
the meaning.  It's omission give the concept a broader application, and 
that only strenghtens my view on the matter.


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