[Wikipedia-l] Autofellatio

Jimmy (Jimbo) Wales jwales at wikia.com
Mon Mar 28 11:33:59 UTC 2005

Anthere wrote:
> * or we agree that no local projects should be submitted to the 
> editorial choices made by other projects and redirections between 
> projects should be cancelled
> * or we find a filtering solution, so that certain images not welcome to 
> other projects may not be redirected.

I'm not sure of the technical solution which will be best, but I think
it is clear that editorial standards may very well properly vary to an
extent in different languages.  The simplest possible example that
doesn't give rise to questions about "censorship" is that already we
have different standards on "fair use" for different languages,
standards which vary based on the laws of countries which speak those

> In case of all sensible images such as the autofellatio, it should be 
> the project choice whether to display it or not. And I think the 
> multiplication of complaints on the topic requires to think about a 
> viable solution for all of us.

The thing we want to avoid is giving a "green light" to excessive
sensitivity to local cultures in a way that conflicts with our NPOV
policy.  I don't personally think this is a big risk, but it does
merit our consideration of course.


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