[Wikipedia-l] Re: Latest wikinews : Wikimania, Wax

Anthere anthere9 at yahoo.com
Wed Mar 23 06:11:40 UTC 2005

Just an opinion Angela.

While it is a good idea to try to redirect people asking questions to 
irc meetings, one would also realise that not everyone is available for 
these irc meetings.

Most of the discussions about wikimania are done essentially privately 
(semi privacy), on a specific irc channel, at specific times, on 
specific wiki, with specific mailing list.

The result of it is that it is essentially organised by a small group of 
  people, who (it seems to me) regret a bit that there are no more 
people to help.

I think that in communication, it is important to maintain a link with 
mainstream channels of discussion, and welcome off-site chat on 
wikimania, so that people staying in the main stream channel are made 
aware of wikimania and the work around it. If they read something which 
raise their attention, they are more likely to follow you in the semi 
private areas. While if each time they try to raise the discussion in 
the main stream channel of communication, one tell them to keep these 
question for the semi-private area.... chance is that they NEVER go to 
the semi-private areas.

This is true for wikimania.

This is true for any work on grants which is conveniently secured on a 
closed wiki.

This could be true to a certain extent for local association work, if 
you keep it entirely off wiki.

And so on.

Just my opinion.

Multiplication of discussion place is cleaner, but less productive 
sometimes. Imho.

PS: never being available at irc times for wikimania discussions, I do 
not participate to its organisation, but for reminding people from time 
to time it exists.

Angela a écrit:
> On Tue, 22 Mar 2005 18:38:48 -0700, Mark Williamson <node.ue at gmail.com> wrote:
>>Are there arrangements where a presentation can be given without being
>>present, ie in the form of a brochure or other handout, or submitting
>>a presentation for somebody else to give (I think the former options
>>are more realistic)?
> Yes. We're going to have posters up. Usually the person presenting the
> poster would be available to talk about it at a specific time, but I
> don't see why we couldn't also allow presenterless posters to be up as
> well. Perhaps they could be discussed on IRC rather than live?
> There will be a package of stuff given to attendees, including the
> schedule, maps, and details on the sponsors. This could also include
> presentations etc from people not able to be present, as long as the
> printing costs aren't too prohibitive. A paid-for print on demand
> solution would be an alternative if we got too many of these.
> Angela.

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