[Wikipedia-l] 8.2 articles per 1000 inhabitants for nn. Any better?

Olve Utne utne at nvg.org
Fri Mar 11 05:37:46 UTC 2005

Hello Lars Alvik , Mark Williamson, et.al.,
Doing a quick bit of statistics here: The population size of Norway on 1 
April 2004 was  4,582,600. It is usually claimed that about 10 % of the 
population are primary users of Nynorsk. That gives a user base of 458,260. 
The population has probably grown a wee bit since then, so let's say a 
roughly estimated primary user base of 460.000 as of today. There are 
currently 3767 articles on the Nynorsk Wikipedia. (3767/460.000*1000) = 
8.19. And that has basically all happened since last summer. Unless my 
mathematics are completely off (and I am admittedly a bit tired right now), 
the Norwegian (Nynorsk) Wikipedia takes a clear lead with over 8 articles 
pr 1000 inhabitants.


On Fri, 11 Mar 2005 02:33:36 +0100, Lars Alvik wrote:
>Acually, after a couple of minutes of research i found the the  wikipedia 
>with best article pr. speaker ratio. Iceland, with 7 articles  pr 1000 
>inhabitant. Followed closely by no, dk and fi with around 4  articles pr. 
>1000 inhabitant
>And then follows faroese with around 3 articles pr inhabitant.


Olve Utne

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