[Wikipedia-l] The role of a wikipedia for a language like Hopi

Lars Alvik larsal at stud.ntnu.no
Fri Mar 11 01:33:36 UTC 2005

På 11. mar. 2005 kl. 00:28 skrev Mark Williamson:

> Currently, IIRC our greatest article-to-speaker proportion is for
> Faroese. This is a bit sad since the Faroese Wikipedia doesn't even
> have 200 articles, but if I recall correctly it is the truth (surely
> Welsh and Basque are somewhere nearby in this proportion).

Acually, after a couple of minutes of research i found the the 
wikipedia with best article pr. speaker ratio. Iceland, with 7 articles 
pr 1000 inhabitant. Followed closely by no, dk and fi with around 4 
articles pr. 1000 inhabitant

And then follows faroese with around 3 articles pr inhabitant.

Lars Alvik

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