[Wikipedia-l] Re: WikiIndex (idea)

Magnus Manske magnus.manske at web.de
Thu Mar 10 13:31:37 UTC 2005

Hash: SHA1

Ronald Chmara schrieb:
> Let's take an existing article, which already has some categories:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anne_Frank
> It has a fairly small set of current indexed categories:
> Categories: 1929 births | 1945 deaths | Diarists | Dutch writers |
> Murdered writers | Holocaust | Dutch World War II people | People with
> asteroids named after them
> It does *not* have the following possibly relevant, hypothetical(?),
> categories attached:
> People born on June 12 | Famous Jewish People | Famous Young Authors |
> People who hid during the holocaust |  Authors whose work has been
> disputed | Authors whose work was redacted by their family | People who
> died in Bergen-Belsen | Authors whose work had been converted to theater
> | Authors whose work became opera | Authors who were born in Frankfurt
> am Main | Authors born in Germany | Famous Reform Jews | Famous
> Montessori Students | Famous Aachen residents | Events of July 8th |
> Events of October 28th | Authors who told biographical account using
> pseudonyms | People published in Het Parool | Plays by Goodrich and
> Hackett | Pulitzer Prize winning Dramas | .... (the list goes on and on)
> As you see, the currently existing categories can scratch the surface,
> but can also miss many connections (as currently implemented).
> As I understand the idea, it is about either:
> a) Much more human indexing categories being applied
> b) Automated systems so that the "what links here" kinds of information
> are added in some way to existing indexes, or categories, or utilized in
> an obvious way to display existing connections....

So, a variant of [[Category:]] would do it, like [[Index:]]?

With [[Index:Author]] and [[Index:Born in Germany]] present, a special
page could "see" the connection when asked for "(author) AND (born in

Or we take it a step further:
would add both "born in Germany" and "died in Germany".

The last "|" is for list sorting, as seen for [[image:]] constructs; it
should be
[[Index:Germany|born|died|Frank, Anne]]
(yes, she didn't die in Germany, just an example)

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