[Wikipedia-l] Wikitorials shutdown

Stirling Newberry stirling.newberry at xigenics.net
Tue Jun 21 13:03:35 UTC 2005

On Jun 21, 2005, at 8:26 AM, David Gerard wrote:

> Andrew Lih (andrew.lih at gmail.com) [050621 17:00]:
>> On 6/21/05, Stirling Newberry <stirling.newberry at xigenics.net> wrote:
>>> http://www.bopnews.com/archives/003730.html#3730
> How annoying. I thought it was a marvellous experiment, and was
> surprised how non-crap the results were. (e.g. beter than Indymedia, 
> though
> that's not hard).

It's a first pass. The reality of the internet is that there is 
soemthing of value - namely access to channel and link equity, which 
isn't valued in terms of money, but which is scarce. The problem is how 
to negotiate boht the width and the access to the channe; without the 
most usual way of managing scarcity - id est an abstract exchange 
market. The LA Times failed to do this, and got the expected results.

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