[Wikipedia-l] Re: Enciclopedia Libre

Lars Aronsson lars at aronsson.se
Fri Jun 10 19:08:25 UTC 2005

On June 5, Mark Williamson wrote:

> I was thinking of another non-English semifork of Wikipedia which has
> way more articles than the Wikipedia version, and whose owner is
> deeply involved in Wikipedia but while bragging in private e-mails and
> on-list about how much work he/she does compared to others to put more
> free content online, does not consider allowing the corresponding
> language version of Wikipedia to share content.
> *cough*

Now that you brought this up, why can't you spell the names out?  
Innocent people might feel accused and hurt by half-sung songs 
like this.

  Lars Aronsson (lars at aronsson.se)
  Aronsson Datateknik - http://aronsson.se

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