[Wikipedia-l] Re: link for complaints

Yann Forget yann at forget-me.net
Sat Jun 4 14:06:09 UTC 2005


Le Friday 3 June 2005 19:44, Sean Barrett a écrit :
> Newbies get bit around here far too often.  Biting a newbie with a
> legitimate legal complaint through an officially approved channel is a
> recipe for disaster.

That exactly what happens *now*.
Complains come (from French speaking people) to wikifr-l and random users 
answer. Not good. I think that David's request is very well needed.

> --
>   Sean Barrett     | We all hate poverty, war, and injustice,
>   sean at epoptic.com | unlike the rest of you squares.
>                    | --"The Folk Song Army" by Tom Lehrer

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