[Wikipedia-l] www.wikipedia.org portal

David Gerard fun at thingy.apana.org.au
Sat Jan 29 14:10:17 UTC 2005

Catherine Munro (artslave at usa.net) [050129 22:55]:

> I recently suggested a new design for the www.wikipedia.org portal, which 
> has since been developed by AlanBarrett and several others more talented 
> than I.   After some very positive feedback, another user has now put the 
> design up for a vote.  I would like to get full input from users of all 
> languages and browsers as this should definitely not be a decision made by 
> en: users alone.

Has the new design been tested to degrade properly in ancient browsers? I
know they're a vanishingly small proportion of popular browser usage
surveys, but those are overwhelmingly US-centric. Picture Wikipedia on old
computers, which would run old browsers. It needs to work for the poor as

- d.

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