[Wikipedia-l] Changes in the Python Wikipediabot framework

Andre Engels andreengels at gmail.com
Sun Feb 20 23:13:40 UTC 2005

The following changes have been made to the Python Wikipediabot
framework since the previous overview of February 6. As always, the
new files can be downloaded at
http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/pywikipediabot/pywikipedia/, and
one can of course use a newer version as well. Furthermore, changes
have been done to the Wikimedia software early February, and to the
bot as well. Therefore:
* versions of wikipedia.py older than 1.391 (February 5) do not work any more
* If you use a version of anything from February 6 or later, you
should use a version of everything (more precisely, wikipedia.py,
config.py and the specific bot you are using) from that date or later.

But on to the newer changes. For the bugfixes I will describe which
bot(s) is or are affected, and what goes wrong with older versions.
"int." means that the bug has been introduced in some earlier version.
Bugs both introduced and solved in the current period have not been
mentioned. For all changes the files and versions that are needed are

Andre Engels

== Dependencies ==
In general, if error messages occur upon downloading a new version of
a bot, getting a new version of wikipedia.py as well would be the
first idea. Versions of wikipedia.py 1.405 and higher need family.py
1.21 (and vice versa)

== Bug fixes ==
* general  *   wikipedia.py 1.397 (int. 1.392 - does not count number
of bot processes correctly)
* general  *  wikipedia.py 1.397 (int. 1.392 - cannot edit redirect
pages and cannot create new pages)
* general  *  wikipedia.py 1.406 (is unable to edit after having been
dormant for some time)
* catall.py   *   catall.py 1.13 (int. 1.12 - gives an error message
before ending)
* category.py  *  category.py 1.62 (int. 1.61 - major disfunction)
* category.py (and others) * catlib.py 1.32 (finds at most 200
articles in a category)
* interwiki.py  *  family.py 1.20 (does not find pages on csb:)
* interwiki.py  *  family.py 1.21, wikipedia.py 1.406 (does not
recognize [[{xx:PAGENAME}]] interwiki links and a few redirects)
* interwiki.py  *  interwiki.py 1.135 (crashes when the -continue
option is used with an empty dumpfile)
* interwiki.py  *  interwiki.py 1.136 (chance of not being removed
from the list of bot processes if stopped *very* soon after being
* interwiki.py  *  titletranslate.py 1.38 (crashes when a non-existing
language is given as a hint)
* pagefromfile.py  *  pagefromfile.py 1.7 (int. 1.6 - gives error
message at end and is not removed from the list)
* pagefromfile.py  *  pagefromfile.py 1.8 (the option "-end" is not recognized)
* redirect.py  *  redirect.py 1.19 (int 1.18 - major disfunction)
* replace.py  *  replace.py 1.35 (int. 1.6 - gives error message at
end and is not removed from the list)

== Major changes ==
* interwiki.py can now, when asking for hints, be asked for the text
of the page by typing "?" or adding the "-showpage option  * 
interwiki.py 1.136
* replace.py and solve_disambiguation.py now give their diffs colored
(Unix only)  *  replace.py 1.37, solve_disambiguation.py 1.128,
wikipedia.py 1.404
* Two new features of sqldump.py: findr finds regular expressions; the
function of baddisambiguation is not clear to me  *  sqldump.py 1.17
* interwiki.py uses nb: instead of no: in presence of an nn: link or
on the nn: wiki  *  interwiki.py 1.139

== Minor changes ==
* Swedish translations for interwiki.py: interwiki.py 1.137
* Change of Icelandic text for category.py: category.py 1.63
* Hawaiian and Chichewa added to known languages (wiktionary only
Hawaiian yet): wikipedia_family.py 1.89, wiktionary_family 1.21

== Cosmetic changes / invisible changes ==
* Multiple alternative redirect texts for one language are supported:
wikipedia.py 1.406
* Special care for zh-cn/zh-tw difference removed: interwiki.py 1.139,
wikipedia.py 1.408

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