[Wikipedia-l] Change of Interwiki name for Moldovan language

Wikipedia Romania (Ronline) rowikipedia at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 22 08:54:49 UTC 2005

Hi, I would like to know how it's possible to change
the name of the interwiki link for the Moldovan
language from the current
I talked to Node and he said I should contact a
developer, so if there are any developers reading this
and you have some spare time, I would be very thankful
if you could change it in this way for mo.wiki.

The reason behind the change is because such a change
was specified in the Ronline proposal that was
approved by the majority of Moldovan Wikipedia users
for the future of the wiki.


The explanation is:
"Mo.wikipedia.org will be linked from other Wikipedias
using the name
This is to signify that the link is to a Moldovan
(Cyrillic) page and that Moldovan is usually written
in Latin script."

It was basically a compromise after a huge round of
negotiations over at the Moldovan Wikipedia.



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