[Wikipedia-l] Re: Encarta goes wiki - sort of...

Andrew Lih andrew.lih at gmail.com
Fri Apr 15 03:11:04 UTC 2005

Neglected to provide URL for Encarta Feedback FAQ:


On 4/15/05, Andrew Lih <andrew.lih at gmail.com> wrote:
> FYI, something I just found on the Encarta Feedback FAQ, that might be
> of interest:
> ---
> How are my suggested edits researched?
> Graduate students at the University of Washington Information School
> are fact-checking all proposed changes to Encarta. They are trained in
> research and passionate about corroborating facts. Stay tuned for
> possible plans to expand our pool of researchers to the Encarta
> community.
> ---
> Interestingly, donors to the school include:
> Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
> Corbis Corporation
> Microsoft Corporation
> http://www.ischool.washington.edu/events/docs/newsletter-fall-04.pdf
> -Andrew (User:Fuzheado)

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