[Wikipedia-l] Starting a new wiki

Ewen Caroline caroline at www.web.lu
Sun Sep 19 23:06:07 UTC 2004

Discriminatory indeed. I strongly disagree.

If we (luxembourgish wiki, around 10 regulars so far, working on it :) had 
to go that way to get our own wiki, I'm sure we wouldn't have gotten it, 
since noone would have found us etc. Now at least we have a chance to create 
something original in our language (for those who aren't that familiar with 
lux, we're only about 250.000 native speakers :)).

Caroline aka Briséis.

On Sun, 19 Sep 2004 13:34:59 -0400, Evan Prodromou wrote
> Mark Williamson said:
>  >> Anyways: I think the best strategy is to tell people who want to 
> have a >> Wikipedia in their language to go start a wiki somewhere 
> else. If they can >> show that they have a robust community that can 
> support a Wikipedia, then >> they should get an xx.wikipedia.org 
> domain (as well as other >> xx.wikisomething.org stuff). > > I find 
> that horribly discriminatory.
> I find it appropriately discriminatory. As a project, the Wikimedia 
> Foundation has to apply some judgement about where to devote its 
> physical resources and the time and effort of its volunteers. If we 
> waste the time and energy of those volunteers for unimportant tasks, 
> they won't come back.
> You very well may disagree about what choices the Foundation makes. 
> I'm just saying that it's a really big Internet, and that if you 
> want to create a wiki that no one else wants, you can do that. You 
> don't have to have the Wikimedia Foundation's machines and 
> volunteers to do it.
> ~ESP

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