[Wikipedia-l] Re: Baseldytsch Wikipedia: Who can put it online?

Tim Starling t.starling at physics.unimelb.edu.au
Fri Nov 19 11:46:38 UTC 2004

Andreas Brändle wrote:
> As I see you have already decided to set up a Baseldytsch Wikipedia, 
> since you are looking for a language code. Didn't you wonder why there 
> isn't a language code?

No, I was sick of all the endless chatter about linguistics and thought 
I might contribute something solid to the conversation -- if there is 
such a wiki, it can't be at bsd. I cared about linguistics when the 
zh-min-nan issue was current, I read up about Norwegian long before the 
no/nn/nb thing broke out, but now I'm sick of linguistics making up 80% 
of the posts to this list.

I'm not going to take sides in this tedious debate, or the constant 
stream of similar debates. I'll defer judgement to the Board.

In the meantime, it would be nice if these debates could find a home off 
the general project-wide list -- either on meta or on their own mailing 

-- Tim Starling

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