[Wikipedia-l] Wiki content no longer visible on new template!

James Munroe james at jamesmunroe.com
Sun May 30 07:51:49 UTC 2004


All pages with the new template (containing '<body class="ns-4">' without
the single quotes) have content that is invisible under IE5 running under
the Mac Classic OS, and possibly other OS'es as well.

This means that, when I look up, for example,
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malcolm_X I can see only the template, but
nothing whatever referring to Malcolm X -- I have to view the HTML source to
read even a cumbersome version of that. This applies to the Wikipedia:About
page as well as all pages appearing as ordinary topics under the /wiki/

I'm sure it's obvious, but I'll say it anyway: fancy style sheets that
render pages unreadable on some common browser-OS combinations are a really,
really bad idea, especially for an open-source, user-editable knowledge

Please, let's do something to fix this!!!

Thank you in advance.

James Munroe

P.S. Apologies if this should have been addressed elsewhere, but the choices
of where to send on the mailing lists are, as William Peter Blatty would put
it, "too numerous to enumerate."

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