[Wikipedia-l] MediaWiki 1.3

Andre Engels engelsAG at t-online.de
Sat May 22 00:15:00 UTC 2004

"Tim Starling" <t.starling at physics.unimelb.edu.au> schrieb:
> We're going to be upgrading the software on the live site to the current
> development version, over the next 24 hours or so. However, we won't be
> releasing a tarball just yet. Before we do that, we want to obtain
> translations for the new interface text, and also to fix a few
> user-friendliness issues with the installer. We'll probably upgrade the
> smaller wikis first, and do the English Wikipedia fairly late in the peace.
> There might be short periods of downtime during this process.
> A list of new features is at
> http://meta.wikipedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki_roadmap

The status of categories is not clear on this page - is it not included,
or is it included but are you (meaning the developers) still working on
improving it?

Andre Engels

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