[Wikipedia-l] EasyTimeline - Generate graphical timelines from a simple script

Erik Zachte e.p.zachte at chello.nl
Fri Mar 26 21:02:12 UTC 2004

As the saying goes: a picture often tells more than a thousand words. This
is certainly true for graphical timelines. A detailed listing of events and
dates in tabular form may offer the reader a lot of specifics, but may fail
to provide an overview, a grand perspective.

I have devised a simple yet flexible script syntax for defining time chart

A user writes an input script, runs EasyTimeline (invokes other free sw) to
generate the chart and uploads chart and script to Wikipedia. Someone else
can download and modify the script, generate a new or translated version of
the chart, and upload chart and script back to Wikipedia.

Examples and details at

Please comment at

Erik Zachte

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