[Wikipedia-l] Re: Theora and video policy...

Ralesk Ne'vennoyx ralesk at livejournal.com
Fri Jun 25 20:17:58 UTC 2004

Fennec Foxen wrote:

> On Sat, 26 Jun 2004 04:00:03 +0800, Adon Metcalfe <flonejek at gmail.com> wrote:
>>why don't we have a conversion tool that converts all the uploaded
>>gif's to mng?
> Because, realistically, nobody uses- or even likes- MNG. I hear that
> there used to be Mozilla support for it, but they cut it out because
> it was really bloating the image libraries.

I posted relevant Bugs and quoted relevant attitudes just up in the 
thread somewhere.  If you want to, go read.

Nobody even likes is not true, there was quite an amount of noise from 
Mozilla theme developers and other people who use MNG already and were 
negatively affected through -- as far as I can remember -- two major 
versions until one or some of the 3G managed to make an actually WORKING 
add-on for MNG support.

The reasons were, to say the least, weak.  Except perhaps the lack of 
maintainer -- but at that part, they didn't look too hard, just acted.

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